Ok - So now you're a big time HTML programmer. You manage to get a contract
writing a web page for a local coffee shop. Now comes the hard part - writing the code.
They need a web page that will let their customers purchase coffee over the web. Here's what the page should look like:
Java Joe's
At Java Joe's we serve and sell only the finest of coffee beans.
We understand that you can't get this quality of bean from just any supplier, so we have provided our
beans direct to you via the web.
If you want the smoothest caffine high you can get, just fill in the order
form below, and soon you'll be dreaming of sunny beaches from your cubicle.
We know that we have to make a FORM, and that table is just for looks, so first, we use the < FORM > command.
< FORM >
< /FORM >
That's all good & well, but now we have to put a TABLE inside of the form. The TABLE has width, background color,
and in this case, we included a thin border.
Looks a little thin doesn't it? That's because that TABLE needs a first ROW and some data in it. This is accomplished by the following code:
< FORM >
< TABLE WIDTH="400" BORDER="1" BGCOLOR="xxxxxx">
< TR >
< /TR >
< /TABLE >
< /FORM >
Now we need to put two columns of TABLE DATA in the row:
< FORM >
< TABLE WIDTH="400" BORDER="1" BGCOLOR="xxxxxx">
< TR >
< TD >
< /TD >
< TD >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< /TABLE >
< /FORM >
Now we fill the first column with the appropriate data:
< FORM >
< TABLE WIDTH="400" BORDER="1" BGCOLOR="xxxxxx">
< TR >
< TD >
First Name
< /TD >
< TD >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< /TABLE >
< /FORM >
Then we fill the second column with the TEXT INPUT box.
< FORM >
< TABLE WIDTH="400" BORDER="1" BGCOLOR="xxxxxx">
< TR >
< TD >
First Name
< /TD >
< TD >
< INPUT NAME="FirstName" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="30" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< /TABLE >
< /FORM >
Well done grasshopper. This is but the first step of many, for now we must continue the long journey. For our next trick, we have to
create the second row, which has to stay part of the same table, which is still part of the same form . So, within the FORM and TABLE tags,
we include the second row and data of the table, just like we did the first. Well heck, if we've done it once, we can do it again!
< FORM >
< TABLE WIDTH="400" BORDER="1" BGCOLOR="xxxxxx">
< TR >
< TD >
First Name
< /TD >
< TD >
< INPUT NAME="FirstName" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="30" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >
Last Name
< /TD >
< TD >
< INPUT NAME="LastName" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="30" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< /TABLE >
< /FORM >
We continue on in this manner until we have completed the entire table.